Monday, March 29, 2010

Reaching out to Our Political Representatives

In 1998 a tremendous amount of time went into creating the Roads Management Plan for Gold Butte. Many citizens from the surrounding communities took part in GPS’ing and documenting all of the existing roads in the Gold Butte area. This was so all of us, citizens and BLM, could come to the understating of where and what the existing roads were in the Gold Butte area. Not every road has been left open and not all the trails that were documented made it into the plan. However in general it has become a plan that most of us who visit the area have felt like we could “live with”.

As another shift of political power has taken place in Washington DC we are back to the same issues that many of us felt like we have already addressed. The big push this time is for a National Conservation Area (NCA) designation. This was first introduced in 2008 by representative Berkley however it died in committee. For more information on that legislation Click Here. It appears that the political factions that want to see an NCA designation at Gold Butte have been lying low for a more favorable time to take the next step and I think the time has come.

Within the last few weeks we have engaged in some active discussions with our political representatives ranging from the Clark County Commission to Senator Reid and Congresswoman Titus’s Office. We are reaching out to our political representatives to ensure that the concerns of the local constituents and the issues surrounding Gold Butte are on their minds.