Monday, September 20, 2010

Public Lands Day 2010 - Gold Butte

Living in rural Northeast Clark County we have unique access to many of our States most beautiful landscapes. With this accessibility also comes responsibility. All of us need to be actively involved in managing our public lands. Please help us demonstrate that the public is still the central piece of public lands

Saturday September 25, 2010 is National Public Lands Day. National Public Lands Day celebrates service and recreation on public lands. The Public Lands Conservation Committee (PLCC) is working to get people involved to help keep the Gold Butte region clean and accessible for outdoor recreation. We are working to strengthen the community of good public land stewards.

We will be working on Campground improvements for Whitney Pockets and also a Historical Sites Documenting project that will help preserve the rich culture that makes the Gold Butte region distinct.

Please bring your families and be a part of what makes our public lands such a great success. Signups are at Whitney Pockets starting at 7:00 AM Saturday (Sept. 25) morning until 8:00 AM. The projects will begin soon after.

If you have any questions or need more details you can contact me (Dustin Nelson) at