Friday, April 29, 2011

Simply Garbage

Thank you to the Moapa Valley Progress for publishing my article in the April 20th paper

If we could have half as much rain as we do politics at Gold Butte the drought would be over. However, as life often goes, we are over-stocked with one and in short supply of the other. Much has been made over the politics of Gold Butte both currently and in years past. There are as many philosophies about what is best for this beautiful piece of Nevada desert as there are cacti within its hills. However despite the bureaucratic label it may hold or the potential it has in the eyes of a wanting politician there are still people working to be a part of something positive for public lands despite the politics.

Public Lands Conservation Committee (PLCC) is a group of local citizens from the Moapa Valley and Virgin Valley areas working to DO something positive for Gold Butte.PLCC members have taken their turn paddling into the political waters working to share their point of view. However politics can be a time consuming effort and often with little to show for the time spent. All the while the problems that actually exist at Gold Butte go unresolved. It is within this setting that PLCC’s latest project matured.

One of the first projects that PLCC is working to accomplish is answering the question many visitors have: What to do with my garbage? Instead of waving their arms and crying for help PLCC members quietly went to work raising funds and filling out tedious paperwork to solve the simple problem of garbage.

On Easter weekend a 25 yard dumpster, meeting all of BLM’s requirements, will be placed at the Whitney Pockets parking area. This is to encourage the visitors to this beautiful desert landscape to help do their part and keep our public lands clean and open for multiple-use.

Garbage cleanup is a simple act yet often a point of contention in the debate on public lands management. This is one project in a lineup of projects to come, to help resolve the simple yet beleaguered issues facing the public lands in our backyard. It is one of PLCC’s fundamental beliefs that local public lands stewardship is the key to successful public lands management.