Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lime Canyon & Jumbo Springs Wilderness

The BLM is holding three public scoping meetings to soliciting input for two of the wilderness areas within Gold Butte. Some possible talking points for these meetings are things such as weed treatment for invasive species and developing interpretive information to educate the visiting public about the resources and history in the area. Keep in mind that these are existing Wilderness Areas so all the comments and suggestions have to be within the realm of the wilderness guidelines; which are to maintain the wilderness characteristics of the area. This is a very narrow scope to say the least. So comments like “it shouldn't be wilderness,” though possibly therapeutic, will not do much good at these meetings.

Bunkerville Community Center June 27, 2011 6 PM

Overton Community Center June 28, 2011 6 PM

Mesquite City hall June 29, 2011 6 PM