Friday, December 5, 2014

BLM Contact Information RMP

Please contact the Southern Nevada BLM office and request, if nothing else, at least a 1 year extension of time to the RMP


I would also suggest contacting your congressional representatives and asking them to tell the BLM that they need to reevaluate their RMP and come up with alternatives that fit with the values of the people who enjoy and recreate on public lands.

Lee Kirk, Planning and Environmental Coordinator for the Las Vegas Field Office, is the primary public contact for the Resource Management Plan Revision (RMP) and leads the interdisciplinary team that is developing the RMP and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 

Gayle Marrs-Smith is the Field Manager for the Las Vegas Field Office, which manages public lands in Clark County, NV.

Deborah MacNeill is the Field Manager for the Pahrump Field Office, which manages public lands in southern Nye County, NV.

The above three people are located at the BLM Southern Nevada District Office:
Bureau of Land Management
4701 N. Torrey Pines Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89130

Telephone: (702) 515-5000
Fax: (702) 515-5023

BLM's RMP Website:

Below is a time lapse the boys and I took today while out and about. It was taken up on Whitney Pass on the Virgin Mountain