Thursday, April 29, 2010

What "Lies" Ahead

The past has long fingers into the present

I believe that if we are to gain a better understanding of how Gold Butte will be managed as an NCA we should look at how other NCA’s within Clark County are being managed.

Shooting, Off-Highway Vehicle and Camping Closure in Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area, Las Vegas Field Office

The BLM is establishing this Emergency Closure under the authority of 43 CFR 8364.1 which allows BLM State Directors to establish closures for the protection of persons, property, and public lands and resources. This provision allows the BLM to issue closures of less than national effect without codifying the rules in the Code of Federal Regulations.

My personal favorite:

Exceptions to Closure
Any person authorized in writing by the Bureau of Land Management.

I hope you got your permission slip in early

Sloan Emergency Closure to OHV, Shooting and Camping
Sloan Canyon NCA 

Let your voice be heard, attend the Board of County Commission meeting May 4, 10:00AM